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Entrance into Cafe only for children over 7 years
Bunny Cafe - Europe's first cafe with real rabbits
Our mission is to help animals. Thanks to the operations of our Cafe, we not only want to make the life of our rabbits as pleasant as possible, but also the lives of many other animals located in different kind of shelters. The idea of our Cafe Asylum also allows us to spread knowlegde about rabbits and their true behaviour. Together with a certified bunny whisperer we have created information brochures for our guests which include all the crucial information one has to know before owning a rabbit. Our dedicated pen has an area of over 100sqm where the bunnies can freely hop around. As our priority is the welfare of our little animals, the entrance to the pen is subject to strict regulations and failure to comply with them will result in asking you to leave our premises.
Bunny Cafe is the first place in Poland and Europe, where you can interact with sweet rabbits while having a cup of delicious coffee. The innovative idea of combining a cafe with a rabbit sanctuary aims to:
Educate our guests about caring for these amazing animals and also about responsible adoption
Give an opportunity to experience an unusual, therapeutic time with our rabbits
Provide decent conditions for the residents of our Cafe
Support animal charities
Unlimited number of entries* + a cup of treats:
Reduced: 18,90
Normal: 21,90
*Each time you can enter the Bunny-pen for 25 minutes. Show your receipt to the staff to get another available entry for free. The first entry is at 11am and every subsequent entry is 25min apart. There is a break for our Bunnies between 3-4pm when there are no entries but the Cafe is still open.
1. Entrance to the whole Cafe is only allowed for children above 7 years old. Staff may ask for a document confirming the age.
2. Children between 7 and 10 years must enter the Bunny-pen with an adult guardian. The guardian needs a ticket as well.
3. The are strict rules in our pen. Disobeying any rule may result in being asked to leave.
4. Number of people entering the pen at once is limited.
5. Between 3 pm-4 pm bunnies have a break in the meantime you can enjoy our cakes and coffee. (Additional break 6 pm-6:30 pm on the weekend and during holiday season)
Entrance into the Cafe itself from where you can watch the rabbits, is free.
We do not take reservations 🐰
+48 791 156 397
Opening Hours:
Mon - Sun: 11:00 - 21:00